Monday, September 20, 2010

Episode 29 - Scott Barnes says WPF is Dead

Over the past few weeks Scott Barnes has created a small storm by claiming that WPF is Dead and that HTML5 is the way of the future inside Microsoft. Richard Banks talks with Scott about this and a few other subjects about possible future directions Microsoft may be heading in. Wether you agree with nothing or everything in this episode, it's sure to be an interesting listen, and will give you a good insight into what happens inside Microsoft corp. Enjoy!

Oh, in case it's not obvious, the opinions and viewpoints expressed in this episode are without a doubt in no way reflective of our employers nor of Microsoft corporation. It's all purely personal conjecture.

Scott Barnes - Riagenic - @mossyblog
Scott's blog post about it all
That tweet
Article on The Register

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Duration 34:03 mins | Download mp3

Monday, September 13, 2010

Episode 28 - Paul Glavich at Tech Ed Australia

Richard Banks talks with Paul Glavich live from TechEd Australia about Architecture, .NET performance optimisation, authoring technical books and other stuff.

Paul Glavich - blog - @glav
The Sydney Architecture Users Group
.NET Performance Testing and Optimisation Book

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Duration 30:58 mins | Download mp3

Monday, September 6, 2010

Episode 27 - Mahesh Krishnan at TechEd

Richard Banks talks with Mahesh Krishnan live from TechEd Australia about Silverlight, books, Blend and developers.

Mahesh Krishnan blog @maheshkrishnan

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Duration 31:13 mins | Download mp3